*Bring Her Home*

Schapelle Corby INNOCENT!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I would like to take some time to look at a wonderful Schapelle supporter. She is a Friend of mine who puts hours upon hours of efforts into what she does, and I'm sure many of you know who that person is. This Girl, deserves a huge round of applause, and many, many thanks.

Whilst sitting here I decided to mention her and just let BEAUTIFUL SONIC know that I highly appreciate her friendship, and not only that, but also that I admire her courage and efforts, as I'm sure so many others do as well.

Good work Sonic, you keep it up sweet heart!
And never forget that it is better to give than to receive :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

clap clap clap clap!!!!!
Well said my love i agree wit everything u have just said, sonic if u r reading this u are truely an amazing n beautiful person wit tha heart of gold.

I would like to thank you from tha bottom of my heart for all the hard work u have put in day afta day plus many hrs of ur spare time so Thanks you its fair from tha end love ya babe
Oh n i cnt 4get my beautiful angel danya love you 2 xoxoxoxoxox

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! Great tribute Danya. Sonic is a wonderful gal who is always trying to do so much to help others. I just love what she's done with SOS forum. She's got a great bunch of admin mods there too who are all so caring and dedicated.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Comments on a great girl. Sonic is doing a wonderful job at SOS. I know that her efforts are appreciated by many. It is a difficult undertaking when dealing with so many varying personalities and the highs and lows that come with maintaining a support site. But I think that Sonic and her team/members continue to show the essence of what good supporters are. Well Done!

Kay Danes
Foreign Prisoner Support Service

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sonic and her team are doing a fantastic job of maintaining an open and honest forum that brings supporters together for positive input into offering support for Schapelle Corby.

Sonic has had to endure much doubt and critisism from those who wish to bring the support movement down, or just put themselves in the spotlight but she continues to pick herself back up again and battle on like the true little soldjer she is.

If you are reading this Sonic, I want you to know that you should be very proud of your efforts and no matter what others may say 'keep your eye on the prize.'
Your aim is true.

Bless you hon, for all your efforts and keep up the fantastic work you are doing!

Lisa :)

11:43 AM  

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