*Bring Her Home*

Schapelle Corby INNOCENT!

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Yesterday you may have seen the footage of schapelle screaming, swearing and even pushing, prison guards off herself!The media, never actually explained why this was, as they tend to put a picture in your mind and allow you to create your own opinions on why this was taking place!

This all began with the visit of human rights officials checking up on the state of the prison, and if it was running correctly!

They made her out to be some sort of Fruitloop.......

I have one question, and as i ask this question, i find myself laughing in hysterics

HUMAN RIGHTS?hahahahah!
what an embarrassment, to the indonesian Government.....This was an awful occurrence,
But, one has to think "How will this make The indonesian System look"?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hugs you blog is awesome, you have done so much work in here and its all up to date congrats girl its Fully sic hehe

8:17 PM  
Blogger Danya said...

Thanks my dear! most of it's just opinionated! along with facts!It's good to get it out there sometimes, and see what others think:)

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a truely great thing you have done here Danya... just keeping in with your extreme determination and love for Schapelle...

12:24 PM  
Blogger Danya said...

awww! Thanks Kim...thats very sweet of you, but this was very simple 2 do lol! But i shall keep doing all i can 4 her:)

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the others said. As for the guards. Something should be done about that. I wouldn't mind pulling a couple of revolting practical jokes on them myself.

2:07 AM  
Blogger jane said...

She does not have any human rights carrying that much dope into bali think of all the kids she could of started onto a life of drugs and whose knows what.

12:02 PM  

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